Writing My First Love Scene

I wrote my first scene in the romance novel I am writing.  It was a strange thing to do.  It was something I grew up thinking of as private, and I wondered about the psychological implications of writing such a scene.  Does it give away how you see sex?  I am sure, as a male, I will write this differently from a woman writing a similar scene.

Now THAT would be an interesting writing exercise.  A man and a woman being given a scene and seeing the differences in the writing.
Maybe I will share the scene in another post and let people critique it.

About tucsonmike

I am originally from Brooklyn, New York and now live in Tucson, Arizona. I have discovered a passion for writing. I have five books out now, with a sixth on the way. Take a look @ my book list: The Search for Livingstone An Affair of the Heart The Search for Otzi Griffith Justice in Space. Moriarty The Life and Times of a Criminal Genius Available now on Smashwords - Amazon and Barnes and Noble As to not bore my public with just "Buy my book," I am also interested in baseball, the outdoors, art, architecture, technology, the human mind and DNA. I learned Ashkenazi Jews, of which I am one, have to lowest rate of Alzheimer's in the world. Therefore, I treat my brain as a muscle needing a workout. I enjoy good food, flirtation, beautiful women (I am happily married for thirty years), so just flirting ;) I was considered autistic when I was young, trying to figure out if I have a mild form of Aspergers and learning from that. That is for future posts. You can also see I love history. Enjoy my sarcastic silly look at the world, and making History more interesting than a textbook.
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1 Response to Writing My First Love Scene

  1. Soni Cido says:

    The Romance Writer Group might want to try that 🙂

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