Be Like Micawber

Ulverston Dickensian Festival 2007. No Victori...

Image via Wikipedia

If you are a writer, you’ve probably read David Copperfield by Charles Dickens.  There is the character Wilkins Micawber .  He believed in “hopeful expectation.”

I wanted to write this with the New Year approaching because I have a feeling of good things for 2011.

As writers, we have to have hopeful expectation.  We send our work off to editors and agents with the expectation of the major hit.

So as a writer, be like Micawber.

About tucsonmike

I am originally from Brooklyn, New York and now live in Tucson, Arizona. I have discovered a passion for writing. I have five books out now, with a sixth on the way. Take a look @ my book list: The Search for Livingstone An Affair of the Heart The Search for Otzi Griffith Justice in Space. Moriarty The Life and Times of a Criminal Genius Available now on Smashwords - Amazon and Barnes and Noble As to not bore my public with just "Buy my book," I am also interested in baseball, the outdoors, art, architecture, technology, the human mind and DNA. I learned Ashkenazi Jews, of which I am one, have to lowest rate of Alzheimer's in the world. Therefore, I treat my brain as a muscle needing a workout. I enjoy good food, flirtation, beautiful women (I am happily married for thirty years), so just flirting ;) I was considered autistic when I was young, trying to figure out if I have a mild form of Aspergers and learning from that. That is for future posts. You can also see I love history. Enjoy my sarcastic silly look at the world, and making History more interesting than a textbook.
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